miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2008

DIGITAL TELEVISION : Latin America is again divided

They say that human beings are the only animal encountered twice with the same stone, because we are in terms of television making the same mistake 30 years later. When did the transfer of TV Black and White Color our continent was divided into Pal, Palb, Paln, NTSC 525, and 425, Dry, and so on. Now again we are pulling for each other microworld and adopting different standards for digital TV, even some of them quite unique as is the case of the system created by Brazil.

Throughout the era of analogue TV is now coming to an end, never saw a report that join the huge fortunes that we have spent on technology to convert content from one system to another as well as the number of hours of work was required for each conversion. We have experienced problems, discussions, coordination unnecessary, and the subsequent loss of quality in every opportunity that was due to convert content from one system to another.

Today we are again standing before the stone and giving us that edge to stave stronger. Argentina adopted the ATSC system, and now it seems that it will change the system of ISDB Brazil, Uruguay adopted the European DVB, Mexico joined with the U.S. ATSC, and so we will continue to everyone by his side and then when we have to buy equipment and operate back to spend fortunes to understand that these systems will be among them.

This situation will prevent a rapid development of TDTs in the region since the division of different systems in each country hits squarely on the commercial basis of all this. The engineers and politicians are crossing into endless discussions and forget that at the end of the day all this is about money. Money for the conversion technology and then money to benefit from this new technology and all that money comes from the same place: YOU.

While the air TV digital a decides to enter into clothes that scene in each country, users are already enjoying digital TV via the pay TV and this is great actor in the industry that comes with running a lot of advantage.
The traditional pay TV (cable and DTH) is working hard to move as quickly as possible in the conquest of the market, but this race is not against TDTs but against IPTVs. All of the media noise which have TDTs today does not worry the leader of the bunch (cable) as TDTs not even left the Gatera, today the impressive growth in TV subscribers for traditional and successful experiences of IPTV are the ones who make the stadium and those who have sustainable business models have already been tested.

The future of commercial TDTs is a big question mark and more complicated for Latin Americans divide us and we parted, to try not to errarle stone and give front once again.


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