viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2008

Advertising: Hispanic media do not escape to the impressive growth of the Internet

While the absolute volume of investment in Internet advertising is still small compared with TV, is still impress the growth of this item in the Hispanic advertising market.

Today the Internet and ranks fourth in the ranking of advertising investment leaving behind the outdoors and magazines. Internet represents almost 5% of all the publicity that is invested in the U.S. Hispanic market with an exponential growth of over 36% in the last year, when the whole market grew just over 4%.

Let me make a parenthetical about what this means 4% of total growth. Since 2003 investment in advertising in the U.S. Hispanic market grew always well above the average for the rest of the advertising market. In 2006 for example the entire market grew 3.8% while the Hispanic market grew over 10%, which is 300% more than the rest. In 2007 this difference is accentuated with an impressive gap of 20 times more growth for the Hispanic market.

Television remains the queen who receives the largest share of investment equivalent of 63.6% to $ 2.5 billion dollars whereas the Internet is about $ 180 million.
These data are superbly presented in the latest report on the Hispanic Market Advertising Age "HISPANIC FACT PACK" where we have a very important message: the Hispanic market continues to grow in the United States in all its areas well above the average for the rest of market.

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